A few years ago a customer of mine had a limited internet connection with their service provider. Lets call them the little devil. The customer was on a home account rather than a business account and asked me to speak to the provider to get a better deal. This I did and was was offered speeds of up to 20MB up from 8MB and unlimited downloads, great I say, lets go with that. I was promised that a new router would arrive and that I was to replace the existing router with the new one so that everything would sync correctly??. We could expect delivery within 2 to 3 working days. Great, I told the manager that everything was in hand, the new router would arrive by the end of the week and the switchover would happen soon afterwards.
Well here is where the fun starts.
No router arrives, so I pick up the phone and speak to customer services again, I explain the situation and guess what, there is no record of my conversation with them about the new connection nothing zip zero, so I go through the whole sordid detail again, and again I am promised the new speeds and that a new router will be delivered within a few days.
Guess what, no router. I give them the benefit of the doubt and wait another week just in case it is “lost in the post”, but no router arrives.
I ring again and I am politley told that there is not enough capacity on the exchange for the new service to be activated so bad luck and they hadn’t even bothered to tell us.
Now not being one to accept things lying down, I questioned them again over this and they told me that they would look into it in more detail, great I said, and hung up. Strangely, the new router arrived the following day, so I took a gamble and installed it. No change in speed.
I ring the provider back and explain that they had sent the new router out after all and that maybe the problem they had was now fixed, but I was not getting the promised 13MB download speed. We will do a line check they say. Good I say.
Now the support guy comes on the line and says that they cannot run a line test as the line is not terminated, thats strange I say, you have been providing broadband on this line for seven years. He is insistant that they cannot proceed until the line is terminated correctly and he arranged for a visit from Mr BT to sort out the problem.
Mr BT engineer arrives and terminates the line saying that he cannot believe any services worked on the line without it. Never mind I say, at least we have made progress.
How wrong I was, after another call to the service provider, and another line test, the support guys says, sorry we cannot complete the test, the line is not terminated correctly, oh yes it is I say, your Mr BT engineer was here earlier and he fitted an LTE on the line and his tests say it is OK, right says Mr support guy we must have another problem.
So we are now 10 weeks, yes 10 weeks down the line from my first conversion with the little devil and finally we get the line switched over and working, it was not a fault at the customers but a fault at the exchange, fantastic, I log into the router and yes we have around 10MB, not as good as the 13MB promised but I’m not going to argue.
Anyway all is good for 2 weeks then nothing, it stopped working for no apparent reason. Now this customer is totally reliant on their broadband for a number of services including credit card payments, they are not happy.
Yet another call to the service provider and tell them that the service is down, no problem they say we will run a line check. Back comes the support guy, sorry the line check has failed we cannot determine if any hardware is on the line, can you make sure the router is connected and turned on. Well of coarse it was, why would I remove it but nope they still can’t get a good line test they will have to get back to me. Over a 2 week period I must have spoken to these people more than a dozen times and each time they still had not resolved the problem, 2 weeks without broadband for a large organisation and I’m feeling the heat. One option they offered was to cancel the account and start again. My reply was somewhat terse and he understood when I asked if it was going to take 10 weeks again to get the service back online.
One day, about day 15 of this whole debacle without an internet connection, the service comes back online, just like that, no calls, no visits nothing, it just comes back online. That very same day the service manager of the company happens to bump into the BT engineer that was on site a number of weeks earlier installing the LTE. Hey he said do you know anything about our service being restored today we have been trying for 2 weeks to get this resolved. Guess what Mr BT engineer said, he had just come from the exchange and found that our circuit had been disconnected and he had just plugged the cable back in (his words).
Fantastic, finally it was working again so I logged into the router and guess what, we were back on the old 8Meg circuit with the same slow speed as before.
So in all this little excercise took around 13 weeks to move from 8meg to 20meg to 8meg. The company changed supplier after that one.