The Password

Had a rather annoyed customer wanting to return a nice new HP notebook/tablet the other day.

Whats wrong with it, it is no good he replied, when it boots up it keeps asking for a password.

At what point is it asking for a password?.

When its booting up its rubbish, it never used to ask for a password, send it back and get it replaced.

Let me take a look I ask.

So I get my hands on the nice new laptop in perfect working order and sure enough it does ask a password, after it boots up and his son tries to login. His son had being playing around and set a password on his account but couldn’t remember it, so as far as they were concern the laptop was broken and no good. More amazingly his dad who bought the laptop to me uses a laptop for work, I was going to suggest that the best coarse of action would be to find the box, package it up, sell it and return to pen and paper, but I guess it keeps me busy.
