Post Office broadband to BT fibre broadband

A while ago I mentioned about a customer with broadband supplied by the Post Office, a company that employs support staff that do not know what a static IP address is.

Well this customer decided to move from the Post Office to BT. Now you know I’m not a great fan of BT, but hey ho, the customer wanted the BT TV services including the sports channels and BT were the only company offering fibre broadband in his area.

The customer placed an order by telephone with BT but heard nothing for 2 or 3 weeks. When they rang BT to find out where their broadband service was they said that the order had been cancelled because of incomplete information, why they didn’t ring the customer and ask for the information I have know idea. Anyway they place the order again. Now this customer also runs his office from home so the telephone is extremely important. During the ordering phase BT said that there was a likelihood that the telephone number might change but the customer could request that this doesn’t happen. Why would a customer want to change their telephone number anyway and why say it will happen but they can keep their old number, doesn’t make sense. Anyway the order was placed with a request to keep the existing telephone number, but guess what, it didn’t happen they now have a new telephone number, so BT ignored the request anyway, well done BT for screwing someones business over. I haven’t heard of this before especially when the service is from the same cabinet in the same village, only when a circuit is moved to a new exchange.

I’ve got to go over to the customers tomorrow to check things out and see if BT can give them back their number (Doubt it) and configure the routing between his office and the new broadband connection. Oh BT.

Update: The customer did get his number back. Remember above I mentioned that BT had cancelled his order well guess what his number was allocated to the cancelled order which is why he could not have it associated with his new order and why he ended up with a new telephone number. Wouldn’t you think that if BT cancelled their own order they would release any associated numbers etc so this doesn’t happen. Well I guess not it is BT after all.
