Maybe you should leave it to the experts.

OK I didn’t get this first hand, but heard about sometime during my IT career.

A customer took delivery of a shiney new PC that he had ordered. He decided that he would attempt the installation himself to keep the cost down.

Now the PC was what was called a white box PC. Basically a cheap and cheerful PC built by a company that provided the OS on a number of CDs.

Oddly this PC came with a slot CD drive, you know the ones like your car CD player. It didn’t have a drawer in which to place the disk, just a slot.

The following day the supplier had a call to say that the CD drive had stopped working and would no longer accept any disks.

The supplier visited the customer and sure enough the drive was not working. Curiously there was a disk just sticking out of the slot in the drive, but no matter how hard they tried it could not be removed.

The customer was then asked to explain what had happened for the purposes of the warranty.

Oh thats easy he said, I inserted the first disc and followed the on screen prompts to install the OS and applications, after the first stage it prompted me to insert the second disc which I did and at that point it stopped working.

Well said the supplier, you did eject the first disk first didn’t you, before you attempted to insert the second disk.

No he said, it didn’t say anything on the screen about ejecting any disks so I just inserted the next one as requested.

The supplier still doesn’t know how he managed to get the second disk in without ejecting the first.
