January 2014

Tech support, Not

A customer of mine has a new server at his home office. Now ideally it is preferable to have a static IP address on your internet connection when you have a server as it makes life a hell of a lot easier. Yes I know you can use dynamic dns services, but I have to say that I do not find them that reliable.

This customers ISP is, well I won’t say, but they have big red vans and delivery our letters. I suggested he ring them and ask about getting a static IP address applied to his account. To be honest I did not hold much hope on the basis of the account being a consumer account and not a business account. This ISP does not have a business account option.

So my customer makes the call and the conversation goes like this.

Customer: Hello, is it possible to add a static IP address to my broadband account please.

ISP: What is a static IP address?

Customer: Are you serious, you are an ISP.

ISP: I have never been asked that before, please wait while I talk to my line manager.

ISP: I have spoken to my line manager and we do not provide that service, but you can set one up in your router yourself.

Customer: How do I do that.

ISP: Sorry we can’t help you there.

Well what a load of crock. Where do they get these people from. If you need anything other than very basic services then do not us the big red van company.

I’m now looking for a new ISP for my customer.